Transferology Expert Café
Do you have questions about Transferology that CollegeSource staff can assist with? Is there a burning question that you've wanted to ask and haven't yet? If so, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or decaf, we won't judge!) and join the CollegeSource Transferology crew as we show new and forgotten features, take questions, and discuss all things Transferology.
William Cantera, CollegeSource
Deja Dancy, CollegeSource, Inc
Don Dudley, CollegeSource
Shelly Jackson, CollegeSource University (SJ)
Justin Neighbors, CollegeSource
Deja Dancy, CollegeSource, Inc
Don Dudley, CollegeSource
Shelly Jackson, CollegeSource University (SJ)
Justin Neighbors, CollegeSource
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